Thursday, March 3, 2011

Validation of Progress

Be thankful this day for validation of progress.

The validation of progress is a measurement of our life's path. During the course of our over arching life we venture on many life paths, all connecting to the singular path of purpose. The life path chosen is one of personal destiny, one of where many lessons are learned, one where joy is found in the outcome and revelations. How do we measure our progress? Our spiritual progress is not measured by the physical growth as we can see in plants, beloved pets, or children; it is measured by the moments when we pause in life to feel and recognize personal growth. How do we as individuals recognize the growth in self, when we can see the growth in others?

The growth can be recognized by consciously being aware of self with the words and actions taken place in various situations along the life path. Growth occurs all the time, especially if you are constantly doing the work. For example, a person who is constantly going to the gym may not be able to physically see the results, yet feels the difference. However; when the same person is recognized by a friend who has not seen them in a while will physically see the changes; this hold true when we choose to change our morals and ethics, and not longer participate in old habits and behaviors. This will leave us open to judgment and criticism from those in our circle of friends or well wishers. As a collective we have created a world where progress is constantly monitored. We monitor progress in the workplace, schools, etc. The motorization or evaluation is based on a reward system, we do well we get a raise. Not saying that is wrong, we have to think and be conscious in why we do what we do. Even as spiritual beings, we are validated. We all desire to feel some level of worth and self importance.

Knowing the feeling of self importance is innately built in us, it's only natural to want to know our own progress. The progress made on the life paths is the most important one. We have periods where self reflection is a must. We can't always depend on others opinions about our growth. We have to spend time with self to see us as wish to be seen. Being entrapped in a world where the illusion of status is important, remember we are all equal, not matter what. The equality of life is just as important and the quality of progress and time spent with self. We can say, I will spend some time with me, or the kids, or whomever, but spending five minutes may be good enough for some; just be honest with yourself to obtain the desire of what you want to be. Our progress in not measured in time spent, but the quality in which it is spent. We can map out our progress on paper, we can map out our progress the mind, and we can map out our moments aloud, as long as we take time to validate our self. We are important; we are worthy to be here to live a quality life.

Our life is validated by the rules we make, yet we go by others' standards. Yes we are equal, yet we don't live by the collective standards. Each one of us long to feel self important, to be validated by others, yet we are already self important. We are important to self to honor this life in the way it should be lived. The fact we are here on this planet, living breathing, eating, evolving is a sign we are important. We have to listen to our self and the connection to the Divine Source. Having this feeling of self importance can be challenging, when we are constantly bombarded with information telling us we are not worthy. It is up to us to change the messages we hear and project in the world. We are worthy, we are important; we recognize the progress in self to be truly who we are!

Be thankful this day and everyday for having discipline to constantly do the work on self.
Be thankful this day and everyday to recognize the worth of self, through inner validation.
Be thankful this day and everyday by honoring the work done and living by your own standards.


A cup so full to be empty
A cup filled with once thought resolved
To be full to be empty

Flowing over with unresolved memories
Still leading me
Desiring me to be free

What did I do to you
I carried you longer than needed
What did you do to me
Set me free

To full to be empty of thoughts and emotions transitions to action-less actions
Weigh me down
You are useless yet priceless

Having what you made
What you created
Set fourth this journey to be turned upside down to right side up

Picking through illusions
What is real
My mind is real and creates what is real
I'm responsible

Never been empty
Always been full
Full of curiosity
Full of thoughts
Full of sensations
Full of words
Full of love
Full of me

How can one be empty if we are meant to be full
What we choose to carry
The experience
The sensation
The memory
The emotion
For the purpose meant

Now empty of the trash
My cup clean clear pure
Now full of me
Now full of life light and love

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